Thursday, May 22, 2008


Okay, so here I am in school.. With nothing to do.. Nothing, zilch, nada... *blergh*.. It's almost sickeningly pissing off how sitting alone in school can get.. Especially when you gotta wait 23 more minutes for your stupid friends to come. And it is all my fault.. *grr*.. I just forgot to call my driver and had to come by bus.. And now I wait.. till it is nine... OH PLEASE HURRY UP!! So here I am, all alone in the LC of my school.. For all you geniuses who don't know what the hell an LC is, in layman's terms, it is a library.. Normally, this place is my haven, oh yeah it is... But I'm pissed today, oh am I super pissed.. Because some blasted moron has decided to borrow a book and hasn't returned it in a millenium.. AND I WANT TO READ IT!! *grrrr*.. or wait make that a double *grrrr*.. Okay, I know that to most of you I mightn't be making mighty sense but stick with it, because this is how I write.. Yes I'm Very random :)..

Oh great.. I re-deviated.. But then again, when does my blog EVER end up being about the subject it is supposed to.. Except well, maybe those poems et al.. But that's just..... different.. And so now, the matter at hand is that I'm super duper mega bored ^ infinity.. Okay wow! 15 more minutes.. Yeah you got it.. I'm so trying to be enthusiastic about a not-so-enthusiastic situation.. Boo! Who cares?

All I care is that I got 14 more minutes.. Oh I really wish my friends would get their asses here... fast... and save me and you the torture.. But I doubt you might have reached upto here.. Rather you'd be fuming about what a waste of time this blog is... But trust me, the rest of it isn't a tad bit like this.. It's much more interesting!

Okay great! 10 more minutes!

AARRRRGHHH!! I can bear this no more!! *behaves dramatic*.. I shall take your leave now.. Pardon me for chewing your brains (they weren't tasty.. nuh-uh.. all gooey and rubbery and sticky.. and ewwww :P)

Well au revoir.. Toodles :)

P.S.: I got 8 minutes left :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A few funny things.. Here and there...

Okay, this comes right out of a joke site.. ... Yes, pathetic as it sounds, it is quite hilarious :D
So cheers to laughter :)

Classic things to say when stressed!
1. "Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!!!"
2. "You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!"
3. "How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"
4. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
5. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"
6. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
7. "Do I look like a fucking people person!"
8. "This isn't an office. It's HELL with fluorescent lighting"
9. "I started out with nothing still have most of it left"
10. "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me"
11. "YOU!!... off my planet!!!"
12. "Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. You choose"
13. "Practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self-control"
14. "Errors have been made. Others will be blamed"
15. "And your cry-baby, whiny-assed opinion would be.....?"
16. "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."
17. "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."
18. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed"
19. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
20. "I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
21. "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
22. "Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
23. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
24. "I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?"
25. "I work 45 hours a week to be this poor."
26. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it."
27. "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
28. "Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
29. "Chaos, panic and disorder . . . my work here is done."
30. "Ambivalent? Well yes and no."
31. "You look like shit. Is that the style now?"
32. "Earth is full. Go home."
33. "Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"
34. "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."
35. "A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
36. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
37. "If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport."

Fruitful Confession !
Sean goes to confession and says to the priest, "Bless me father, for I have sinned. It's been three weeks since my last confession, and in that time I have committed the sin of adultery."
"Who was it with?" the priest asks, "Was it Brigitte O'Hara?"
Sean says, "I'm sorry Father, but I can't tell you who it was with."
The priest says, "I'll bet it was with that hussy, Mary O'Houlihan!"
Sean says, "I'm sorry Father, but I really can't tell you who it was."
The priest says, "Was it that Rose O'Connell?"
Sean responds, "I've told you already Father, I can't reveal who it was."
"You're a wicked man Sean O'Reilly," the priest says. "Say six Hail Marys and don't let me hear that you've transgressed again!"
As he is walking home, Sean bumps into his friend Seamus. "Sean!" he says, "How are you doin'? Is it the Church you'll be coming from?"
Sean says, "Aye Seamus, I've just been to confession."
"How was it?" Seamus asks.
"Oh, not too bad," Sean answers. "I got six Hail Marys and three good leads!"

Indian shoots Buffalo in Bar!
An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other.
He says to the waiter: "Want coffee."
The waiter says, "Sure, Chief. Coming right up."
He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee.
The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out.
The next morning the Indian returns.
He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling another male buffalo with the other.
He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, "Want coffee."
The waiter says "Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?"
The Indian smiles and proudly says..
"Training for position in United States Congress:
Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull,
leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day."

Yes, I still find 'em funny.. So fuck you :)
Cheers xx

Mes Amants

Le soleil au cœur,

Me fait sourire.

L’amour dans ta voix

Me donne le plaisir,

Mettant mes mains dans les tiens,

Et avec tes yeux aux miens,

Nous tombons en amour.

Danse avec moi, mon chéri.

Au dessous de la Lune,

Traverse avec moi sur l’arc de ciel,

Adore moi comme je t’adore.

Dis-moi des petites choses

Qui me fait rire.

Assure-moi, que dans notre vie

Tu me n’abandonneras jamais,

Dis-moi quand je te demande

Si tu m’adores.

Tu es la raison de ma vie,

Et ta mort sera la raison pour la mienne.

Alors ne vas pas sans moi,

Parce que j’ai besoin de toi.

Bise-moi au dessous du soleil,

Prends-moi dans tes bras,

Et dis-moi que ça sera mieux,

Parce que tu es près de moi.

Tu es mon inspiration,

Tu me donnes le sens d’être contente,

Alors, prends-moi dans tes bras,

Parce que, sans toi,

Je vois des larmes dans les yeux de ma vie,

Et avec toi,

Ma vie rit toujours.

Alors, ne cherche pas

Pour ton coin de paradis,

Parce que c’est près de toi,

Avec moi.

Srushti Iyer,

13th May, 2008.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Knight in Shining Armour

Maybe I wished too hard for you,

Maybe destiny played a game,

Maybe I’m just not made for you,

Maybe you’re just not mine.

Unknown to you is the fact, that you’re a part of me,

Your ignorance scalds my soul deeply,

And my gashes cry for your love,

So then, I pray my love… come and sooth my hurt.

Gallop upon a dark, glorious horse,

Whip me off my feet,

Be my night in shining armour,

Take me to a different world.

The sun plays around the deep grey clouds,

And I catch few glimpses of your face,

My heart is melting, my soul relenting,

As I wish to run into your arms.

Take me into your arms my love,

Somewhere far away,

Away from our mundane and pitiable life

Far into the sun.

Hold me tight, in the starry night,

As I lose myself in your eyes,

Let the soft rain melt away the pain,

And reunite us forever more.

I call out to you, again and again,

But you simply look through me now,

And as I try to hold you back,

You just turn away and run.

What did I do to bear such rancour,

Why do you ignore me so,

Listen to me for once my love,

It’s all I ask of you.

Don’t I deserve your love,

When I already gave you mine,

What more do you want from me my love,

Just say it and it’s yours.

A lifetime has passed, maybe two,

And I wait relentlessly for you,

Hoping that you’ll come one day,

And take me into your arms.

I’m tired of sitting in idle hope,

I’ve waited for an eternity now,

As you’ve ruthlessly crushed my heart,

Maybe you don’t deserve me anymore,

Because it’s over now.

I thank you, my dear,

For all the pain, the anger, fury and hate,

Thank you for making me realize,

That you’re not worth the tears and pain.

Sorry guys.. This might not have come out too well.. But it's an addiction... I gotta put everything I write on this blasted blog :P...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Salvage me, my love

I wish I could just run away,

Escape into the night,

Away from all the pain that tears me,

Away from all the wounds.

I’m all alone, no doubt I am,

Sick of the pretentious cronies,

I wish to be left alone,

But I wish you to rescue me.

When the world touches me I scald,

But when you touch me I heal,

Hold me tight and heal my pain,

Because with you around, I need no one.

I’m sick of crying, screaming myself hoarse

When no one’s ready to hear me,

I need you salvage me from here,

Eliminate my pain.

Hear my pleas as I cry for you,

Because I’m running out of strength,

I call out for you as the energy drains,

But you’re nowhere in sight.

I feel alone, I am alone,

Left to fend my fears unaided,

And yet again, I call out to you,

But I only hear an echo.

The tears dry slowly on my face,

I’ve been waiting for you for years now,

Foolishly hoping to see your face,

How innocent and naïve I am.

The world is cruel, it always was,

Heedless of my pain and agony,

It continues to walk past me, as I sit alone

Searching for your face silently.

I know you’re never going to come

And rescue me from my pain,

And so I’m left to simply dream of you,

And smile my nights away.

The cacophony surrounds me,

Making me want to escape,

Escape my fate maybe,

And look for an easier way.

There has to be a way out,

A way that will lead me to you,

I shall relentlessly look for it,

Until, one day, when I find you.


She made a promise that she’d meet him. She meant to keep it… she really did. But she couldn’t, she just couldn’t. The thought of meeting him sent chills down her spine not because she found him repulsive… but because she was scared that he’d run away when he saw her. They had built an unimaginably strong friendship based on random talking… chatting on the internet, talking on the phone… and she didn’t want to lose this friendship, she didn’t want to lose him because of her complete incapacity to match up to the stunning looks of all the girls that flocked around him and chanted his name. She didn’t want to lose him because he had come to become one of the most integral parts of her life. She didn’t want to lose that very friendship which had pulled her out of depression when the hardest of times had fallen upon her.

She wept each night, regretting the loss that would befall her very soon… because she knew he would walk away one day, not because she was ugly, but because she had lied to him, assured him falsely that she would meet him when she knew she didn’t have the spine in her to do that… she cried because she was robbed of one of the few things that she could rely on… she was robbed of him… she cried because of her stupidity… she cried because she couldn’t face him and tell him the truth… she cried because she felt like a bitch.

Her head was nuzzled deep into the pillow which was wet with the copious tears that had escaped her hazel eyes that night. Her lips were slightly parted and her head was filled with confusing images… this wasn’t a novelty, no, quite the opposite instead. She had reconciled herself to crying herself to sleep every night… and that night was no different.

The wind lashed violently through the windows and the moon shone in a patchwork design through the dancing leaves onto her face. She was tangled in her long tresses and her body was hunched up into a tiny ball. His face was a predominant part of every dream and she could only think of him… she sighed wistfully and slowly, his name escaped from those very lips, “Kabir”.

She woke up the next morning, her eyes swollen and puffy and her heart heavy with remorse… as usual. She slowly turned her head to stare at the frustratingly loud and piercing beeps of her alarm clock. She sat up straight in bed and leaned her head mournfully against the head rest of the bed and slowly, invariably and uncontrollably, his face seeped into her memories, and even though she knew she should be feeling guilt, just the though of him made a smile play on her lips.

She climbed off the bed, his face still freshly sewn into the recesses of her mind. She dragged through her morning routine of bathing and getting ready to catch the school bus, but even for a moment, she didn’t manage to escape from the image of his face which continued to haunt her… asleep or awake. She sat in the corner, like a social reject (which she wasn’t… everyone talked to her which much enthusiasm but she simply nodded her head in a simple yes or no). She thought of him all day. Her friends reminded her time and again that her life didn’t revolve around Kabir but she never relented. They weren’t the ones who pulled her out of her state of depression… they weren’t the ones who had encouraged her to go on when she had become weak… and most of all, they weren’t the ones who would be losing a part of their lives.

He felt hurt too… immensely hurt. But he was a guy and he quickly learned to desensitise himself from the hurt that she was causing him… because he believed that she was intentionally hurting him. That was because he couldn’t see through all her phoney excuses… more importantly, maybe he didn’t want to. He used to go to her society everyday and whenever he passed by her house he’d look in just to catch a glimpse of her… and he’d see her smiling and walk away… he thought she was happy without him and he tried to be happy without her… but he never realised that he was the reason for her smile, and maybe, he never would.

He talked to her online every single day… every time… every single time, she gave him an excuse and soon enough he lost all his faith in her… she lost her ability to talk endlessly to him… they were reduced simply to the formal “hi” and “bye”. She wept for her loss and she was tired of giving him excuses… she was tired of him having given up on her… she was tired of it all… she really wished he knew what really went through her mind when she talked to him… but she couldn’t… not because it was untrue… but because she was a coward and would always be.

She seemed the morbid and dark kind to many of her friends and acquaintances. They called her attention-seeking, they called her depressed… they always left her out because she seemed like a pessimist and they thought she’d perpetually dampen their happy moments. But she still loved them… she would continue to love them till the very end.

She thought of him always and she knew she would remain guilty and remorseful of what a bitch she was… she really wanted to tell him how she felt… and it was for this reason that she wrote this story.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Be Mine

You make me crazy, delirious with joy,

As every moment is passed in thought of you,

I can’t seem to forget you, not for a second,

Because I love you truly my dear.

Be mine I say, be mine,

I need you and you need me,

So I plead you to be mine,

And let us ride away into the night.

Hold me in your arms,

Hold me tight, because I might just slip away,

Be with me when I call your name,

Kiss away my pain.

Hold my hand, fight the ghosts,

Erase my fears and stop my tears,

Believe me even if the world does not,

‘Cause, trust me, I’d never lie to you.

You fill me with a feeling

So inexplicable and deep,

Because whenever I look at you,

I get lost forever, in your dark eyes.

We’re made for each other,

You know we are,

We’d be so perfect together,

So I pray you to be mine.

I think of you all the time, day or night

It’s only you that I think of when I’m awake,

It’s only you that I dream of when I’m sleeping,

Stay with me forever now,

And make my dreams come true.

I plead to you, look into your heart,

Close your eyes and let the rays fall on your face,

Because when you do so honey,

You’ll see the face of you’re love,

And I hope that it is me, my love.

Hold me now, I love you truly,

Be mine… hold me under the milky twilight,

Kiss me as we dance the night away,

And kiss my pain away.

Srushti Iyer,

7th May, 2008.

Monday, May 5, 2008

I Pray You Set Me Free

I don't ask for pity, no I don't,
I only pray you hear me out,
Don't misjudge me by what the world says,
Because I love you unconditionally, forever always,
Eyelids aflutter, I see your face,
As it has always been etched in my mind,
You run through my dreams, tear me apart,
But if you can't be mine, then I pray you set me free.
I love you truly, we can't change that,
So if you don't love me back,
Don't dismiss me.. I just pray you set me free.
I wish to forget you, but you know I can't,
'Cause you're forever etched in my heart,
So don't leave me, don't rip me apart.
I feel like I'm at the mercy of a ferocious dog,
As you long to tear me to a million pieces
Tear my conscience, bathe in my tears
Throw salt on my wounds as I writhe in pain,
I can't bear this, no I can't,
So I pray you set me free.
You don't hear me, no you don't,
As you bask in the sunshine of sweet joy,
The joy that I gave up when I met you,
You robbed me of it all.
Sleepless are the nights when I think of you,
Disassemble your every phrase,
Maybe to find a hidden love,
But nothing comes forth and I'm forced
To believe that you've nothing to do with me.
I need you to release me, you know I do,
But unknown to me is the perverse pleasure
You attain from keeping me prisoner.
If you were human, if you ever cared,
I'd hope you set me free.
My love for you is like a drug,
That sends me on an ecstatic high
Far into the deep blue sky,
But as I gaze and look down at you,
The pain that sears me then
Makes the thrust of a dagger seem like a feather,
So I say, if you can't accept me, my love,
I pray you set me free.

Srushti Iyer,
5th May, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why I should NEVER make a blog!

Geez! Blogs are so super duper addictive. Now look at me... what kind of a moron updates their blog every single day? Answer is... me, Srushti Iyer. :|
I mean, I have my board exams in 11 days... ELEVEN DAYS!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! WHY AM I STILL BLOGGING?
Answer is.. IT'S AN ADDICTION! Okay.. I'm screaming way too much for my own liking.. And for the liking of my poor little vocal chords :|.
Well here I am.. Finishing this stupid blog entry because as I told you, I AM FUCKING ADDICTED.. Oh God! There's just something about these stupid blogs that make me abuse like a nut! Not like nuts abuse or anything.. Okay.. What AM Is saying? :S
Another reason I shouldn't make blogs.. I tend to confuzzle myself :|
Well blogs are addictive.. VERY addictive.. See.. I have nothing to write but I continue to write a load of bullshit!! Grr..
Okay.. I must resist.. I have to stop..
Toodles.. Shall keep updating you :)