Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our City of Dreams

The shot rings,
Travelling fast,
Through his heart,
And he falls down,
Gasping, heaving,
Wondering why,
He has to leave so soon.
The city’s struck,
The grenades roar,
The death tolls higher,
Life seeps away,
The children watch,
As their parents succumb,
To death.
Lovers watch,
Screaming out loud,
As they see them fall,
To death.
The martyrs fight,
Till their last breath,
Till they surrender,
To death.
Heartless, ruthless,
They take the lives,
Opening fire,
Taking away the innocent,
Breaking homes,
Shattering hearts.
She watches, terrified,
Her eyes wide open,
Her 7 year old mind
Can’t understand it all,
Who are these people
Who have destroyed our city?
Why are they taking our lives?
Will she be awake the next day
To see the sun rise
And hear the birds chirp?
Or will she too,
Open her eyes,
Only to see the harsh lights,
Of a hospital room?
He looks fearfully,
At the masked terrorisers,
He wants to scream,
But his throat his dry,
He looks upward,
Praying to God,
Begging for forgiveness,
And hoping that,
At the end of the day,
He’ll be able to open his arms,
And welcome his family,
In a warm hug.
The tube inside her wrists hurt,
But not more than the gun,
Which is held to her head,
And the hand that muffles her screams,
Not more than
The piercing glare,
Of the terror that holds her hostage.
The policeman shoots,
He is duty-bound,
His love for his city,
Keeps him rooted to the spot,
As he jumps in front
Of a young child,
Who trembles and cowers
Behind his saviour,
And cries out,
As they image of his saviour,
Crumbling to death,
Is forever embedded in his mind.
This was our city of dreams,
But now,
It’s only a nightmare.

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