The night flashes violently in her raven eyes,
The thunder crashes shatteringly in her dark voice,
The glint of a knife, it slashes through, a wrist is cut
And she wishes to end it all.
She’s hoarse with screaming, for justice, for peace,
She’s tired of combating the evils that lurk
In the darkness of the corridors,
She’s scared that her childhood nightmares shall come true.
She’s scared of the monster that has taken up
Permanent residence under her bed,
She’s scared that he’ll rise and kill her at night,
She’s scared that she’ll never wake up from this nightmare.
She’s scared of the threats, the hatred the lies and tears,
She’s scared to tell the truth behind those fears,
She’s scared of those years spent in anguish and suffering,
She’s scared he’ll take his revenge someday.
For years she doesn’t say a word, writhing and dying inside,
Tormented and tortured by those very nightmares,
Hoping to break free soon, very soon,
Escape from this world of hatred and malice.
The blood flows freely from her open wrists,
It’s deep, red colour soaks her clothes,
Her tears stream down her face and mix with the blood,
And finally, at last, she’s free.
You're a pro ah .. Awesome poem! I see you've got a powerful vocab. I guess that helps! Great work darling.. keep up!
Zhank you =) I shall. Shall beep you when i update =)
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