Thursday, May 22, 2008


Okay, so here I am in school.. With nothing to do.. Nothing, zilch, nada... *blergh*.. It's almost sickeningly pissing off how sitting alone in school can get.. Especially when you gotta wait 23 more minutes for your stupid friends to come. And it is all my fault.. *grr*.. I just forgot to call my driver and had to come by bus.. And now I wait.. till it is nine... OH PLEASE HURRY UP!! So here I am, all alone in the LC of my school.. For all you geniuses who don't know what the hell an LC is, in layman's terms, it is a library.. Normally, this place is my haven, oh yeah it is... But I'm pissed today, oh am I super pissed.. Because some blasted moron has decided to borrow a book and hasn't returned it in a millenium.. AND I WANT TO READ IT!! *grrrr*.. or wait make that a double *grrrr*.. Okay, I know that to most of you I mightn't be making mighty sense but stick with it, because this is how I write.. Yes I'm Very random :)..

Oh great.. I re-deviated.. But then again, when does my blog EVER end up being about the subject it is supposed to.. Except well, maybe those poems et al.. But that's just..... different.. And so now, the matter at hand is that I'm super duper mega bored ^ infinity.. Okay wow! 15 more minutes.. Yeah you got it.. I'm so trying to be enthusiastic about a not-so-enthusiastic situation.. Boo! Who cares?

All I care is that I got 14 more minutes.. Oh I really wish my friends would get their asses here... fast... and save me and you the torture.. But I doubt you might have reached upto here.. Rather you'd be fuming about what a waste of time this blog is... But trust me, the rest of it isn't a tad bit like this.. It's much more interesting!

Okay great! 10 more minutes!

AARRRRGHHH!! I can bear this no more!! *behaves dramatic*.. I shall take your leave now.. Pardon me for chewing your brains (they weren't tasty.. nuh-uh.. all gooey and rubbery and sticky.. and ewwww :P)

Well au revoir.. Toodles :)

P.S.: I got 8 minutes left :D

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